Major 1.1
Family member 1
This model is inspired by the commonly used triangle shaped tubes in construction. By making it tall it will be a candle holder where the candle eventually goes in. The material is probably going to be copper of aluminium, so the light of the candle can reflect from the metal.
Family member 2
Family member 3
After drawing the pattern on the aluminium it was time to mill it out. Because the product is made out of very short milling lines it took a lot of time. Also because a part of it was on a 45 degree angle.
For this model I wanted to take a diner candle and give it a nice casing.
The idea was to make it so close to the candle that the metal could maybe interact with the heat of the candle.
Here I'm testing if anything happens to the metal if I hold it close to the candle
After about 2 hours I had one side done with milling the pattern out. Now I could also test what the housing does with the candle light and warmth.

The light of the candles reflects nicely in a warm color back. The housing did get pretty warm. Also the wax dripped outside the housing which I really like, a bit of interaction with the candle.
For now the wax only came out of one side, and im curious what would happen if all sides were milled.